So after an exhaustive life long worldwide search I have finally met my match… my coffee mate. Nancy & I first met in high school, dated briefly and totally lost track of each other after graduation.  While we lived in the same town for years we never ran into each other. Fast forward 30 plus years later. It turns out Nancy was a great friend of one of the DG Girls and I never knew. We reconnected, became good friend and somehow it blossomed into something incredible…. some say its the allure of the coffee… it may be but I’m going with it. If you’ve visited the Deadly Grounds Coffee booth at a convention in the last few years you probably have met her.  I couldn’t have asked for a better Coffee Hearse Co-Pilot.

We set October 12, 2019 as our wedding date in a place we love dearly – Camden, Maine. Its right in the middle of haunt season and for that reason we’ll be missing a few of our favorite conventions but i think under the circumstances everyone will understand. The conventions were a new thing for Nancy. Hauling all that brew around, setting up, breaking down, with very little sleep – was a bit overwhelming for her especially as we try to balance it with our priorities of our lives at home. It was even more challenging as we have been taking care of aging parents at home.  What was very special to her was how our Deadly Grounds Coffee friends have embraced her and many friendships were forged in all the hell and horror of the haunt conventions we attend.  You can never have enough friends! Especially coffee friends. Thank you all… you truly made her feel Deadly!

You can find Nancy on Instagram as mrsdeadly or click on the link: https://www.instagram.com/mrsdeadly/

Now onto the fun of planning a destination wedding and finding a way to include our Coffee Hearse in the festivities!


Chief Coffee Addict / Deadly Grounds Coffee









Happy to be her Cup o’ Joe

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